Anachron Press 2011-2013
From approximately 2011-2013 this was the website for Anachron Press, a new small publisher from the UK.
Anachron Press was created by the noted author Colin Barnes. The press published the work of a select number of authors in both ebook and print formats along with a few select compilation works. Please note that Anachron Press is not open to submissions of any kind.
The content is from the site's 2011-2013 archived pages.
Who are we?
Anachron Press is an independent publisher based in the UK specialising in genre fiction including: fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, and weird tales. We publish short stories, novellas, novels, and anthologies.
Welcome to our blog. Here you will find the latest news of upcoming books, submission opportunities and new projects.
Latest News 2010
New Fantasy Anthology Open For Submissions – Day of Demons
November 22, 2011
We are now actively looking for short stories for an upcoming Fantasy anthology.
The anthology will be titled ‘Day of Demons’ and will be released in April 1st 2012 in both eBook and Paperback editions.
We are looking for 10 stories between 4000 and 6000 words. We will pay £10 + paperback copy for each contributer. We will also setup an author profile page on our site and feature you in blog posts leading up to the launch of the anthology.
Theme Details
Day of Demons will be a collection of dark fantasy stories that deal with the effects of ‘demons’ over the course of a single day. This could be literally a large, flaming demon wreaking havoc upon a city/town/village, or it could be an internal ‘demon’ that is troubling your character. The key thing is that your story should take place over the time span of a single day.
We like it dark, but we aren’t opposed to all areas of fantasy. We are interested in the epic/high fantasy tropes as much as we are of the dark urban fantasy.
Although the collection is aimed at adults, we will have an eye on stories that could potentially appeal to a younger audience, but certainly not middle-grade. In the spirit of creating immersive experiences for our readers, we've considered the rise of augmented reality and the potential of innovative platforms. Imagine an app that connects to your Kindle, allowing you to not only read but also immerse yourself in the world of 'Day of Demons'. Additionally, to enhance the connection between our readers and the anthology, we're thrilled to offer exclusive movie posters inspired by the stories within 'Day of Demons'. Each poster is meticulously designed to capture the essence and mood of the tales, making them a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts. The rich, vivid artwork and intricate details promise to be a visual delight. As a special promotion, we will sell these movie posters to collectors, and for those curious about the value of their collection, we'll be offering free appraisals. Dive deep into the fantasy realm, experience the stories, and own a piece of the magic.
Because this is a fantasy collection, we are not looking for science fiction stories, or those set in space, colonising worlds etc… however, we are more than happy to read stories that aren’t set on Earth, as long as the focus is on the characters and how they deal with the effects of the ‘demon’ be it an external thing, an actual demon, or an internal demon.
The stories must be about the characters first and foremost. World building, magic systems and other fantasy widgets are encouraged, but not as a priority over great, memorable characters.
Submission Dates & Details
Deadline day for all stories is March 1st 2012. However, it would be prudent to get your story in earlier, because if we see a story that isn’t quite right but could be with some editing then we would like to give you time to edit and resubmit.
Send the entire story attached to an email with 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman .doc or RTF file. Indented paragraphs. (no double spaced paragraphs please.)
Include a cover message with the following in the body of the email:
- Short (max 200words) biography.
- List of any previous publishing credits (link to books if available.)
- Mention if we have met, or if you have been invited to submit.
- Brief synopsis/outline (max 200 words) of the story.
- Any URLS of your website, facebook or twitter accounts.
- Contact details (phone number, skype, email address etc.)
Hello brave new world
October 30, 2011
Hello everyone in cyberland. Just a quick note to say that we are alive and ready to do business. By business I mean battle. And by battle I mean slay the world of fiction with our projects and new releases.
The literary world is changing at a frightening pace, and this excites the Anachron elves no end. You should see the excitement on their little faces. They hop from foot to foot as they edit manuscripts and swim in the slush pile (metaphorically, we don’t print them out).
We are new in the world of publishing and are looking to carve out a small slice of the pie for extraordinary, weird, and spectacular fiction. We are kicking off with a fab anthology of horror stories called City of Hell Chronicles. Other than the editor, the nice thing about this anthology is that it’s made up solely of women from around the globe. All mostly unpublished, too. So it’s a great honour for us to put out these stories from amazingly talented writers and go back to the roots of horror fiction.
Volume 2 of City of Hell Chronicles will be under way shortly as we are getting ready to put out a call for submissions (check this site and the City of Hell site for news on this.)
We look forward to reading your submissions and working with you as we attempt to blaze a trail in this brave new world of publishing.
Welcome to our blog 2013.
Noose & Gibbet Free Promotion
- May 31, 2013
As part of a coordinated promotion, Anachron Press and Noose & Gibbet author Craig Saunders have teamed up to give you a 5 day free promotion on Noose & Gibbet and most of Craig’s catalogue. Here are the details from the man himself. Visit his blog or his author pages to see all the free [...]
Stormheart is back! Stormheart: Myth by Edward Drake
- May 6, 2013
After recently releasing onto the world the fantastic, linked short-story collection ‘Stormheart: Legend‘ by Edward Drake, we’re proud to announce the launch of the follow up, and the continuing tale of Stormheart in the second publication, ‘Stormheart: Myth.’ Available in print and ebook, Myth makes a perfect companion for Legend. Book Description: All the glory [...]
Urban Occult Book Trailer
- May 6, 2013
One of the great things about working on an anthology is the range of talents from the array of contributors. In this case, Mark West, author of the brilliant ‘Witch House,’ has put his skills to use and kindly made us a trailer for Urban Occult. Enjoy, and feel free to share: Can’t see the [...]
New Horror Novel – The Noose & Gibbet
- April 4, 2013
We’re really happy to return to our horror roots with this latest release. The Noose & Gibbet by Craig Saunders is a horror novel unlike anything else in the genre. It’s quirky, darkly funny, grim, occasionally gross, creepy, and above all, hugely entertaining. Craig’s vivid imagination and larger-than-life characters shine in this story of struggle, [...]
Stormheart Is Here
- April 4, 2013
We’re pleased to announce the release of the first of pair of short story collections from Edward Drake featuring his iconic character Marek Stormheart. As part of the Pulp Line series, the two collections (Legend and Myth) represent the biggest releases of the imprint so far with a combined 80,000 words of stories across the [...]
Urban Occult Pre-Order
- February 28, 2013
Our latest anthology ‘Urban Occult’ is due for release on March 25th. However, you can get your book earlier and receive a couple of special bonuses if you use our pre-order scheme. If you order on or before March the 4th, not only will you receive a physical print copy before general release, but you [...]
New Pulp Line Titles + 2013 Release Schedule
- January 8, 2013
Howdy fiction fans. Hope you all survived xmas and new year in one piece, and you all got book tokens or something. It’s been a crazy couple of months, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon with a bunch of new stuff all lined up. So without further ado, here’s the [...]
The Last Broadcast: Survivor Stories
- December 31, 2012
Anna My name is Anna. I was in coffee shop when it happened, one of the big chains, drinking some overcomplicated coffee it had amused me to order. There was a man in my eyeline collecting his drink, suddenly he just stopped walking, placed the coffee on the floor and collapsed next to it. I got up and [...]
Jones Specialist Cleaners
- December 31, 2012
A little bit of flash fiction for you. I had an idea for a story and I may revisit the character for something longer, but just getting a feel for who I was dealing with here. Hope you enjoy it. My phone woke me. Seeing which phone it was, I was instantly awake and all [...]
Pulp Line No.2 – Hookers and Blowe launched
- December 11, 2012
It’s another wonderful day at Anachron towers as we announce the launch of our second Pulp Line stories. Hookers & Blowe, by Mhairi Simpson is a fantasy crime novella following the exploits and transformation of detective Robert Blowe. Blurb: Detective Constable Robert Blowe has put away more criminals than most of his colleagues combined, but [...]
Jack Calico
Jack Calico has a job that is so hideously dull it brings on attacks of immediate and lengthy narcolepsy just thinking about it. As a self defence mechanism Jack has therefore learned to focus his mind elsewhere at all times, in the lives of odd characters who fill their days with interesting things. The inevitable result of this eventually led to him committing their adventures to writing.
Back in the real world, Jack lives in an undistinguishable terrace with a black cat called Bertie and a rubber plant called Paolo. He likes decent whisky, loose tobacco, old black and white movies and jazz music. This may be why he ended up writing pulp.
Jack has the honour of being the first of our Pulp Line authors, with the first issue: ‘Curse of the Jade Amulet and other tales.’ Jack is currently working with us on a three-part novella and another collection of stories to further the adventures of Cash and Tango, the two PIs from the first collection.
1. Curse of the Jade Amulet / Due out December 2012
KT Davies
Karen was born in West Yorkshire and has a degree in literature. She also has a modest, but perfectly formed comic collection (mostly Marvel and 2000AD). She shares her life with an understanding partner, two savage children, three crazy dogs, and a high maintenance cat.
She has lived in t’north of England and the Republic of China, and currently resides in suburban bliss in the West Midlands. Amongst (many) other things she has worked as an actor, a teacher, and a scaffolder. A nerd and proud, she also plays with swords and other pointy things from time to time.
She once fell down the highest mountain in Taiwan and was led to safety by a couple of tribesmen in exchange for cigarettes, which is an unlikely tale but true nonetheless.
We’re proud to have published Karen on two occasions.
1. Her epic fantasy The Red Knight
2. And – Day of Demons (Her story ‘The Deal’ opens the anthology).
Alex Scowen
Alex was born an only child in the New Forest, Hampshire, UK. Burley, the town she grew up in, is famed for its love of witchcraft, dragons and, fantasy folklore. During the 50′s, a famous white witch, ‘Sybil Leek’ used to walk about town in her cloak accompanied by her pet jackdaw. It was this mythical element to her upbringing that Alex channeled into her writing.
As an early child, Alex used to write stories about wizards and witches and vikings. She hasn’t stopped even into adulthood. Alex is young at heart and loves nothing more than trekking through the new forest conjuring stories ideas, or imagining what sprites and wolf spirits lurk in the shadows.
Aside from the writing and the love of fantasy, Alex works as a vet, specialising in the research of snakes and reptiles. This has led to her travelling across the globe to far-flung places such as, Australia, Russia, South-Africa, Brazil, and many more. This interest in travel and the exotic is an ongoing influence for her work.
Due to her busy schedule, Alex doesn’t maintain a website, but we’ll continue to feature her works here, and she’ll eventually find time to blog for us. Posts will appear here and in the main blog.
Alex so far has published one story with us. ‘Vex, a modern Viking saga,’ but has a short story collection ‘ Ursa Incantrix’ due out in Jan 2013, and a novel TBA in mid 2013.
Authors that have contributed to Anachron Press Publications.
Day of Demons
Edward Drake
Edward Drake is a writer of fiction, be it fantasy, horror, thriller or adventure. His stories are character driven and fast paced, always exciting and always leaving the reader eager to continue on to the next chapter.
Gary Bonn
Artist, Illustrator, Writer, Hunter-Gatherer and Dad. Lives in his own world and tries to avoid reality whenever possible except when beaches or mountains are present. Two Novels: “Expect Civilian Casualties” and “Curses Foiled” to be published soon by Firedance books.
James M. Mazzarro
James Mazzaro remains convinced that the Universe was created by a coconut monkey named Karl he bought on a cruise ship one drunken evening. An obsessive revisionist with unrealistic dreams of grandeur, he has never slept through the night without heavy sedation and makes his living as a software architect and part time novelist. With currently five novels in various states of completion and a recent award for a short story, he remains ever hopeful that he will one day be famous.
Karen Davies
When not scribbling like a demented goblin, Karen is a theatrical prop maker. She has an understanding other half, a couple of junior goblins, a cat, and some dogs. She comes from the north of England and now lives in the middle. She writes about herself in the third person, and has had a number of jobs from A (actor) to W (writer). She looks forward to the day she reaches the letter ‘Z’ as she has always fancied being a zoologist.
Krista Walsh
It says something about a person when her own parents believe she’s a bit round the bend. Prone to talking to herself, and with only one foot in reality, Krista Walsh has long accepted that normalcy is overrated. A lover of all things gothic, and fantastical, she tags along on the adventures of sorceresses and vampires, bringing their stories to the mundane place that is the real world.
Laura Diamond
Laura Diamond is a board certified psychiatrist and author of all things young adult and adult paranormal, dystopian, horror, and middle grade. When she’s not writing, she is working at the hospital, blogging, and renovating her 225+ year old fixer-upper mansion. She is also full-time staff member for her four cats and a Pembroke corgi named Katie.
Phil Hickes
Phil Hickes currently lives in New Zealand and works as a writer in the advertising industry. He lives alone with a corpse named Derek.
Sarah Anne Langton
Loves words and pixels. Draws books. Writes books. Scribbles a lot about comics for Forbidden Planet. Qualified Astronaut. Part time archaeologist. Full time geek.
Victoria Griesdoorn
Victoria is a scientist. But not a really cool evil scientist with a secret lair and lots of lasers and stuff. Actually, yeah, she does use lots of lasers. Let’s try that again. So Victoria is a not-so-cool scientist with lots of lasers by day–reluctant writer by night. A Clarion Write-a-Thon survivor, a slush reader for Dark Fiction Magazine and founder and editor of the of Altered States anthology series.
City of Hell Chronicles
Colin F. Barnes
Colin F. Barnes is a writer from the UK who writes Speculative and Thriller fiction. He likes to take the gritty edginess from his surroundings and personal experiences and translate them into his stories. He also edits anthologies for Anachron Press.
Anne Michaud
She who likes dark things never grew up. She never stopped listening to gothic, industrial and alternative bands like when she was fifteen. She always loved to read horror and dystopia and fantasy, where doom and gloom drip from the pages.
Ren Warom
Ren Warom is a writer of the strange, dark and bizarre, not known for her ability to fit into boxes of any description. She has a rather disturbing biopunk SF thriller currently in the subbing mill, a manga-fusion hardcore odd-fest online serial called The Umwelt, and a growing passion for writing stories. Her next novel project is a completely insane cyber-fusion tale of twist. Ren is inspired by all things weird, winsome and wicked.
Kendall Grey
Kendall Grey, word diddler and whale champion, was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She’s been called the “flux capacitor of Twitter” and “a little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper,” but she’s really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head. Her “Just Breathe” urban fantasy trilogy will be released in May, 2012. Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, but don’t hold that against her.
Amy L. Overley
For someone who grew up in the middle of nowhere in the land of sunshine and unicorns, Amy L. Overley has some very dark stories. After thinking for years that she wanted to other things (a marine biologist, vet and llama farmer) and even longer trying those things (translator, head hunter, executive admin to the stars) she finally accepted that all she wanted to do was to bring those dark things to life on the page.
Belinda Frisch
Belinda Frisch’s fiction has appeared in Shroud Magazine, Dabblestone Horror, and Tales of Zombie War. She is the author of the horror novel, DEAD SPELL, as well as the short story compilation, CRISIS HOSPITAL, TALES FROM THE WORLD, THE WARD, AND THE BEDSIDE. She is an honorable mention winner in the Writer’s Digest 76th Annual Writing Competition and a proud member of the Horror Writer’s Association and New England Horror Writers.
James Everington
James Everington is a writer from Nottingham, England who writes dark, supernatural fiction, although not necessarily ‘horror’ in the blood and guts sense. If you like the unexplained, the psychological, or the ambiguous in your weird fiction then you’ll know what he’s aiming at.
We use a wide range of editors and artists at Anachron Press, matching the appropriate story to the appropriate editor and artist. Some of the people that we’ve used recently are:
Proof Readers / Copy-Editors:
- Russell Smith
- Sharon Ring
- Melonie Tem
- Darren Pulsford
- Kyla Holt
Artists / Illustrators
- Thomas Boatwright
- Zoe Humphries
- Eric Belisle
- Kevin Lester
Among these very fine people, we also use a range of trusted writers and readers for our ‘beta’ reading process. We don’t pretend we’re the biggest publisher in the world, but what we are is a dedicated group of passionate and like-minded people focussed on putting out great work, by great authors.
Unsung Talent
Anachron often works with unpublished authors, or those with few credits. We are firm believers that there is a lot of unsung talent out there waiting to be given a chance. Supporting authors and promoting them is one of our main aims.
Our Beliefs And Aims
- Our authors come first, everything we do is for our contributors.
- We believe in encouraging and nurturing new talent.
- We aim to be as inclusive as possible, releasing titles in multiple formats.
- Finding and publishing the best of genre fiction.
How To Buy Our Books
We are fans of digital platforms and fully endorse the eReader evolution, but we are also fans of print. Our books are available in a wide range of formats and available direct from this website and on multiple marketplaces such as (depending on title) :
- Amazon
- Apple iBookstore
- Sony eBook Store
- Barnes&Noble
- Smashwords
- Kobo
- Lulu
All our titles will soon be available direct from our website in both e-format and print.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive email notifications of new book releases and open submissions. We won’t spam you, and only send out a handful of emails a year when we have something exciting and pertinent to tell you about. We also occasionally use this to inform you of free stories and special offers.
Can I Submit My Story To You?
Yes, although it depends. Read our submissions page for more details.
How Do I Contact You?
You can email us on: info AT anachronpress DOT com, or by our contact form.